Explore the critical role of Specialty Courts in Louisiana and how they address specific legal and social challenges within the justice system. Learn about their origins, evolution, and how they provide alternatives to traditional court proceedings for individuals struggling with issues like addiction, mental health, and veterans' affairs. This CLE will offer valuable insights into how these courts operate, who they serve, and their impact on rehabilitation, recidivism reduction, and overall community well-being in Louisiana. Disclaimer: The LSBA’s inclusion of a program in its CLE programming is not to be deemed a statement or an endorsement of the views expressed therein by the LSBA or any member of the LSBA. Speakers on LSBA programs were carefully selected for their knowledge, but neither the LSBA nor the speaker warrant that the presentations or materials were free of errors, or will continue to be accurate. Statements in the presentations and their materials should be verified before relying on them. Opinions expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect opinions
of the LSBA, its sections, or committees. Views expressed are those of the authors and contributors only.