Don’t miss James Brown’s essential discussion on the "Money Rules" that every attorney must master. Rules 1.5 and 1.15 outline strict requirements for billing clients and handling their funds, while Rule 1.8 governs financial transactions with clients. These rules demand complete transparency and accountability, with state bar authorities maintaining a zero-tolerance policy for violations. This course will help you navigate the ethical dilemmas attorneys often face, ensuring compliance even when it conflicts with short-term financial interests. Disclaimer: The LSBA’s inclusion of a program in its CLE programming is not to be deemed a statement or an endorsement of the views expressed therein by the LSBA or any member of the LSBA.Speakers on LSBA program are carefully selected for their knowledge, but neither the LSBA nor the speaker warrant that the presentations or materials were free of errors or will continue to be accurate. Statements in the presentations and their materials should be verified before relying on them. Opinions expressed are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect opinions of the LSBA, its sections, or committees. Views expressed are those of the authors and contributors only.